Weight | 1 kg |
weight |
1000 gm, 500 gm, 250 gm |
What is royal jelly
€170.23 – €679.01
What is royal jelly?
It is a yellowish-white gelatinous substance secreted by young bees from special glands to feed and provide nutrients to the queen bee larvae. It is called royal jelly because it provides nutrition for the developing larvae and the queen bee.
Benefits of royal jelly:
🛑Royal jelly increases the speed of wound healing.
🛑Royal jelly protects the skin from infections that can affect it.
🛑It is useful in preventing skin wrinkles and the appearance of signs of delayed skin aging, because it contributes to stimulating collagen production in the skin.
🛑Royal jelly is considered an antioxidant.
🛑It helps prevent cancer, as it has properties that reduce the growth of cancer cells.
🛑It contributes to reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and women who eat royal jelly during menopause will improve their menopausal symptoms.
🛑It is useful in preventing heart disease and atherosclerosis, as it can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
🛑Royal jelly is used to control weight and prevent obesity.
🛑Royal jelly contains potassium, which contributes to expanding blood vessels, which is why it is useful for reducing high blood pressure.
🛑It activates metabolism in the body.
🛑Royal jelly is useful in treating chronic kidney diseases, as it improves kidney functions and prevents the deterioration of the health of kidney cells.
🛑 It treats arthritis, because it has anti-inflammatory properties.
🛑Royal jelly reduces anxiety, stress, and depression.
🛑Royal jelly is considered essential for transmitting nerve signals, due to the presence of acetylcholine in it, which helps support memory and improve mental abilities.
🛑Royal jelly contributes to strengthening the immune system.
🛑Royal jelly helps maintain blood sugar levels.
🛑One of the benefits of royal jelly for men
Contributing to strengthening sexual activity and enhancing sexual health, as it contributes to the following:
Increasing sperm production and improving sperm motility, which contributes to increasing fertility in men.
Increasing erection strength, as it contributes to improving testosterone levels.
Increase sexual desire in men and women.
Nutritional value of royal jelly
Some people search for the composition of royal jelly and the nutrients found in it. Below we mention the contents of royal jelly:
Water: 50 – 60%.
Proteins: 18%, the most important of which is the distinctive protein called royalactin, to which many of the health benefits of royal honey are due.
Carbohydrates: 15%.
Fat: 3 – 6%.
Mineral salts: 1.5%.
Royal jelly also contains a small percentage of vitamins, the most important of which are B vitamins, including:
Vitamin B1.
Vitamin B3.
Pantothenic acid.
Vitamin B6.
Folic acid.
Vitamin B12.
In addition to a number of minerals, such as calcium, copper, iron, potassium, sulfur, and others.
What distinguishes royal jelly is that it contains 17 types of amino acids, including the eight essential amino acids that must be obtained from external sources because the body does not produce them.
Also, the contents of royal jelly include the following:
Polyphenol compounds.
Nucleic acids, such as adenosine, uridine, guanosine, iridine, and cytidine.
Gamma globulin.
Vitamin C.
Adenosine 5-monophosphate.
Adenosine 5-diphosphate.
Adenosine 5-triphosphate.
Carbohydrates in royal jelly
Sugars constitute the most important carbohydrates in royal jelly. The most important sugars present in it are glucose and fructose, which constitute 90% of the sugars in royal jelly.
Royal jelly may also contain small amounts of the following sugars:
Fats in royal jelly
Royal Jelly contains a good percentage of fatty acids, as they constitute 80-85% of the total fats present in Royal Jelly, the most important of which is 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid. [1,6]
The fatty substances in royal jelly also include the following: [6]
Phenolic compounds: 4 – 10%.
Wax: 5 – 6%.
Steroids: 3 – 4%.
Phospholipids: 0.4 – 0.8%.
How to use royal jelly
It is not recommended to take it directly, but rather mix it with honey in specific amounts according to the age group
-Children over two years old: 5 grams per kilo of honey
-Children from 10 to 15 years: 10 grams per kilo of honey
– Youth from 15-40, add 30 grams per kilogram of honey as a maximum